This one has been around for a long time. The principle is simple, publish GREAT [or controversial] content on your site so other site owners will link back to it. The content can come in a variety of packages. It can be: insightful, profound observations or thoughts unique, humorous videos, text or images infographs illustrating timely topics sensational or polarizing …
Blogging from my Droid
The WordPress app for the Android phones is definately a useful one. Especially now that Spring is upon us.
The 5 spoked wheel of social marketing
Social marketing, at its core, is like a wagon wheel. It has a hub and 5 spokes which can conveniently be arranged into a fine circular object that will handily take you down the social track. The hub is your blog Spoke #1 – a social networking account on Facebook. Spoke #2 – a microblogging account on Twitter. Spoke #3- …