Over the weekend, we headed East to the Cheyenne River Ranch to visit our favorite Wild Idea Buffalos. The trip didn’t disappoint and I could go on and on about the morning spent with buffalo, but I think that’s a whole separate post. What I want to talk about here has to do with the above photo.
I snapped the shot on the way back from the ranch… right out the front windshield of the truck. I took the shot because the moment inspired me. I used my iPhone because it was in my lap. The big camera was all packed up in the bag and not as accessible. But perhaps the coolest thing was that I was able to do the photo editing and upload it to the internets before we had even reached the highway.
Now, I know there are a lot of photo/purists out there who think that the iPhone cheapens photography, and that all the wiz-bang effects are over used. I can’t say I disagree with that. I do think however, that these tools can be used responsibly and help enhance a photo much the way we use Photoshop or even in the dark room. The only difference is that I can perform the actions with a push of a button on the device before it ever even leaves the “camera”. When I got back to real life and to a computer I logged in and was greeted with the typical “likes” and comments I’ve grown quite addicted to. People commented on the photo, and the longing to be out there in the “Nowhere”. But then the conversation took a surprising turn to the analysis of the effects and photo editing. People were actually trying to guess what I had done to the photo to make it look like that. Which, in reality, wasn’t very much. I clicked a couple buttons and presto – stunning photo.
Now, don’t get me wrong. I’ve seen these effects and tools abused again and again, and I strongly believe that what makes a good photo has much more to do with subject matter and composition as it does with cool color effects, sharpness or contrast. But these tools the iPhone gives you are just that; tools. When you use them respectfully and responsibly, they can add the extra touch to a picture that the viewer really connects too.
Below is a small collection of some of my favorite shots I’ve taken from my phone. Enjoy!
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